To visit the Library and Information Centre as well as for registration one is required to produce a document proving one's identity and residence (this also applies to the Special Collections). Students in higher education are requested to show their valid student permit as well.
Anyone who has never been enrolled in our library can now register online in advance. You can find the online pre-registration form in our online catalogue under the Sign-in menu. Filling out the form will make the first registration easier. If you visit our library within 8 days after pre-registration, you can finalise the enrollment after matching the data.
Patrons with reading permission include
members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and those of the Széchenyi Academy of Literature and Arts;
persons holding an academic degree or candidates for such a degree, grantees of the Academy's fellowships, PhD holders and PhD candidates;
researchers employed in the HUN-REN;
university and college lecturers and professors;
persons engaged in research or education;
students of the arts and those of the natural sciences;
members of all institutions of higher education with an institutional recommendation (with temporary permit);
anyone whose work requires access to the Library's holdings (with temporary permit)
Patrons with loan permission include
members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and those of the Széchenyi Academy of Literature and Arts;
persons with academic qualification;
researchers employed in the HUN-REN;
academics with habilitation, empolyed at faculties of arts and those of sciences;
academics employed at faculties of arts and those of natural sciences of research universities (including but not limited to ELTE, DE, PTE, SZTE);
scholars and scientists holding a PhD degree from faculties of arts and those of sciences in research universities;
the Library's staff and the personnel of the secretariat of the Hungarian Academy engaged in study, research or holding a scholarship.
Upon request and not falling under restriction any natural person can do research free of charge in the Archives of the Academy (registration at the Library is not needed in this case). Requests for permit are to be submitted to the Head of the Archives who grants permission based on and in consideration of the relevant rules and regulations.
The Oriental Collection is located on the ground floor of the Palace of the Academy. Eight readers can do research in its reading room at a time. Loan regulations of the Library do not apply. Manuscripts and books of historic value are made available on microforms; originals can only be studied on special grounds and with permission of the Head of the Department. Although reprographic copies may be ordered as per the Library's relevant regulations, due to criteria of protection and safeguarding all such requests are reviewed individually.
The Department of Manuscripts & Rare Books is located on the first floor of the Palace of the Academy. Eight readers can do research in its reading room at a time. A user card is needed for its use and a reader's declaration must be signed. Loan is not permitted. Codices, incunables and autographs of historic value can only be used with permission from the Head of Department; normally, the microfilm copies of such documents will be made available. Xerox copies may not be made of old and rare books. As for manuscripts, copying is allowed if and only if the material will not be damaged during the process. Reprographic copy requests are reviewed on an individual basis. This also applies to microfilm requests as well as conventional and digital photographs. Copying from CSc and DSc theses is allowed only with the prior written permission of the author or the legal and beneficial owner of his/her bequest. Service from the stacks depends upon the location of the material requested at short notice or in the order of preparation. After 12:00 p.m. retrieval from the stacks is limited. For continuous use of the material there is a shelf for keeping it reserved. The material reserved or prepared will be issued regardless of the hours of stack service.